' Tell me I forget. Teach me I remember. Involve me and I learn ' -Benjamin Franklin


SERVITE CONVENT SR. SEC. SCHOOL School, is a co-educational school run at Narmadapuram, that aims at creating quality avenues for a qualitative life in future. The school is an endeavor in this light to create enlightened citizens to benefit the society and nation at large. SERVITE CONVENT SR. SEC. SCHOOL School is a brain child of a team of professionals having a common vision of providing holistic education in a stress free environment with individual attention.

SERVITE CONVENT SR. SEC. SCHOOL, is a co-educational school run at Narmadapuram (M.P.), that aims at creating quality avenues for a qualitative life in future. The school is an endeavor in this light to create enlightened citizens to benefit the society and nation at large. SERVITE CONVENT SR. SEC. SCHOOL is a brain child of a team of professionals having a common vision of providing holistic education in a stress free environment with individual attention.This School is an Ideal place for learning through fun, building on skills and Application of wisdom. We endeavour to achieve this aim by providing infrastructure and facilities of international standards.
Well equipped sports  facilities for  cricket, hockey, tennis, badminton, table tennis, and basket ball . School has digital teaching and learning system with smart classes which increases teacher’s efficiency and learning becomes enjoyable and interesting.

A complete education means education of the whole person. It is more than mere sharpening of intellectual abilities or strengthening of physical skills. It is commitment over time to the process of learning of being and becoming. We want our students to be aware of themselves and the World around them. We believe that getting an education also means learning to value good judgement, common sense and fair play.

SERVITE CONVENT SR. SEC. SCHOOLs, therefore, aims at the integral personal formation of the young. To accomplish this, it endeavors to create an environment, which generates a love of learning, habit of critical thought and accurate expression and the strength of character and the moral values needed for a life that is socially meaningful. To this end, special efforts are made.

The school is affiliated to Central board board of Secondary Education,New Delhi..Our aim is to prepare our students, by providing them the best platform and a good opportunity, to get globally & internationally recognized. The School aims to prepare the Students Academically Physically, morally and psychologically to face the challenges of the competitive word its objective is to equip the students with the qualities of team spirit, dedication, dutifulness and patriotism so as to project them into a responsible citizen of our country.





Scientific Temper

Spirit of Enquiry


The curriculum for a school outlines the subjects, lessons, and content that students are taught during their academic years. The exact curriculum varies by country, educational system, grade level, and sometimes individual schools. Here's a general outline of the common components in a school curriculum:

  • Mathematics:
  • Social Studies/History:
  • Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science
  • Reflective Corners
  • Economics: