
When children engage in laboratory activities, they experience a unique type of learning that encompasses both practical experimentation and theoretical understanding. This hands-on approach fosters a deeper comprehension of scientific concepts as children actively participate in experiments, make observations, and analyze results. Moreover, laboratory experiences encourage critical thinking skills as children hypothesize, problem-solve, and draw conclusions based on evidence. Through trial and error, they learn the importance of precision, accuracy, and attention to detail in scientific inquiry. Additionally, laboratory activities promote collaboration and teamwork as children often work together to design experiments, share data, and interpret findings. Beyond academic development, laboratory experiences also nurture creativity and innovation as children explore and discover new possibilities within the realms of science and technology. Overall, laboratory activities provide children with a dynamic learning environment that cultivates not only scientific knowledge but also essential skills and qualities necessary for success in the modern world.

Physics Lab

Servite convent Physics lab is equipped for conducting experiments related to the study of matter, energy, and their interactions. It includes equipment for conducting experiments in mechanics, electromagnetism, optics, and thermodynamics.

Chemistry Lab

Servite convent  Chemistry lab is equipped for experiments and research in the field of chemistry, including chemical analysis, synthesis, and material characterization.

Biology Lab

Biology lab is used for studying living organisms, including microbiology, genetics, physiology, and ecology.

Computer Lab

Our 40 computers strong computer lab is equipped with projector for better understanding of the software learning. It helps for the primary, middle and secondary level students to learn various software and computer programming skills.

Social Science Lab

At Servite convent  we have separate Social Science lab to implement social skills, social responsibility, cultural unity and diversity. Lessons such as Our Earth, Solar System, Major landforms, Outer space, Maps, with the help of working modals, Globes and maps we make students learn easily. Equipment's in our social lab help students to develop critical thinking abilities and creativity in students.